GIRSAN MC312 Inertia Smooth Bore SG 3.5”, 12 CamoMax-5 28”


The Girsan MC312 is a great value for one of the most talked-about shotguns on the market. As proof of its enduring performance and easy maintenance, a 5000-round test required no cleaning, and the 10,000-round test required no part replacement.

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Strong, lightweight, and perfectly balanced, the reliable action will never require any adjustments. Easy to maintain and cleaner than other gas-operating systems, with the gas, smoke, and burnt powder remaining in the barrel. Proper functionality is ensured thanks to individual quality control testing by Girsan, before every shipment.

Camo synthetic polymer stock and forend
High visible sight
Inertia single action shotgun

Additional information

Weight 7 lbs
Dimensions 42 × 12 × 4 in

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