Winchester Rimfire Ammo 22 LR, CPHP, 36 Grains, 1280 fps


Winchester’s 36 grain, copper plated hollow point, featured in the 333-round bulk pack, is perfect for small game hunting, plinking and target shooting. This round features a copper plated hollow point bullet to reduce fouling and has a muzzle velocity of 1,280 feet per second for improved cycling in semi-automatics.

7 in stock

SKU: 22LR222HP Category:


Features & Specifications

  • Caliber: .22 LR
  • Weight: 36 Grain
  • Style: Copper plated hollow point bullet
  • Lubaloy® Copper Plating Reduces Fouling
  • Speed: 1,280 Feet Per Second (FPS)
  • 222 rounds per box